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Gardening & Landscape



Years Of Experience
About SVD Nursery Garden

We Care Your Garden & Landscaping

SVD Nursery, based in Ariyalur, is a premier destination for all horticultural and agricultural needs. With a proven track record of excellence in plant supply and related services, the nursery has become a trusted partner for farmers, private landowners, and organizations across Tamil Nadu.

We’re Experience Gardening
We adapt your needs
SVD Nursery Garden

Our Services

SVD Nursery offers more than just plants; it provides end-to-end support for plantation and gardening:

Plantation Services:

Expert assistance in planting various types of trees and plants.

Vegetable Seedlings:

High-quality saplings for cultivating vegetables in home gardens or farms.

Fencing Solutions :

Supply of fencing stones and materials for agricultural and gardening needs.

Maintenance Services:

Includes fertilization, weed removal, pest management, and general care for plant health.

Vegetable Trellises:

Installation of sturdy trellises for climbers like beans, gourds, and tomatoes.

Construction Supplies:

Paints, building materials, and tools for related construction projects.

Equipment Supply:

Availability of sprayers, weeding machines, water pumps, and pit-digging equipment for efficient farming operations.
Why Choose Us

We’re Awards Winning Gardening

We’re Since 1987! Philosophy
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veritatis architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
  • Trusted Gardening Partners
  • Shipping Cost Low
  • Professional Team Member
  • Awards Winning Company
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis natus error voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperia eaque quae abillo inventore
veritatis architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.
  • Trusted Gardening Partners
  • Shipping Cost Low
  • Professional Team Member
  • Awards Winning Company
Our Footprints

Our Projects

SVD Nursery has successfully undertaken and completed several large-scale projects:

SH-54 Project

Completed the plantation of 17,000 roadside revenue plants along the Kumbakonam-Sirkazhi stretch.

NH-45A Project

Planted around 10,000 Bougainvillea plants along the highway median.

Private Farm Development

Successfully established plantations across 75 acres of farmland.

Cashew Plant Supply

Distributed over 1 million cashew plants in the last five years.

Amla Plant Supply

Supplied nearly 300,000 Amla plants to various clients.

Support to Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs)

Regular supplier of quality saplings to multiple KVKs for research and community projects.
SVD Nursery Garden


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SVD Nursery Garden


GST Reg. No.


UDYAM Reg. No.


Seed dealer Certification No.

3281/TRY/2023 (Certified by Department of seed certification and organic certification, GoTN)
SVD Nursery Garden


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